segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2015


May 25, 2015

Dear friends!

Now it's for real! We received the student visa last Tuesday!

We are very happy with what God has done! We were admitted at Calvin, our friends and supporters continue supporting us, our pastors and mentors, like us believe that this is God's time for our development and academic and ministerial growth!

We praise God for every person who has accompanied us, encouraged and supported this journey.
Our next steps are:

#1 We just purchased the air tickets! We got a terrific deal! We will arrive in Chicago on August 4! Pray that everything runs just fine!

#2 Rent of our apartment: We would like to have someone in our apartment that could help us by taking care of our stuff and that could be helped by a fair rental and a new, furnished apartment!

#3 Sale of our car: Pray that we get a good deal because we depend on it to buy the tickets and get another car in the US.

#4 It is the Last 4 months with the WOL Southern Brazil: We thank God for these 13 years of ministry where we develop relationships, we bless and were greatly blessed. Our latest event with WOL will be the winter camps (in July).

#5 Raise the rest of financial support: We already have 70%. 

#6 Traveling to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and begin studies in August!

We would like that you pray and participate in some way. Let me suggest a few ways:

#1 Our greatest need is regular supporters! You can become a maintainer with any amount through monthly deposits. (You can contact  me, KCC or Nate Romine for more information about how to send your offering)

#2 We have some specific needs also: Air tickets, car, health insurance.

#3 We need to rent the apartment, sell the car and buy the tickets. Any form of help in these matters (from advices to offers) will be very welcome!

#4 We would like to increase the number of people praying for us! The next two years will be a challenge. If you want to be become a regular intercessor, please let us know! Prayer is the most important element in all this we have experienced!

We believe that the Lord will use us a lot and this course will be a powerful tool in the hands of God!
Can we count on you?

A big hug,

Eduardo, Marta, Debora and Samuel 

quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2015


Curitiba, 20 de maio de 2015

Queridos amigos!

Agora é pra valer! Recebemos o visto na última terça!

Estamos muito felizes com o que Deus tem feito! Fomos aprovados para o mestrado, nossos amigos e mantenedores continuam nos apoiando, nossos pastores e mentores, assim como nós, acreditam que esse é o tempo de Deus para nosso desenvolvimento e crescimento acadêmico e ministerial!

Louvamos a Deus por cada pessoa que tem nos acompanhado, encorajado e apoiado nessa jornada.

Nossos próximos passos são:

#1 Comprar as passagens: Ore para que consigamos o melhor preço!

#2 Alugar nosso apartamento: Gostaríamos de ter alguém em nosso apartamento que pudesse nos ajudar, cuidando de nossas coisas e que fosse ajudado por um aluguel justo e um apartamento novo e mobiliado!

#3 Venda do nosso carro, um Classe A 2005: Ore para que consigamos um bom negócio pois dependemos disso para comprar as passagens e adquirir um outro carro nos EUA.

#4 Últimos meses com a PV Sul: Somos gratos a Deus por esses 13 anos de ministério onde desenvolvemos relacionamentos, abençoamos e fomos grandemente abençoados. Nosso último compromisso será a temporada de inverno (mês de julho).

#5 Levantar o restante do sustento: Já temos 70% do valor.

#6 Viajar para Grand Rapids, Michigan, e iniciar os estudos em 24 e agosto no Calvin Theological Seminary

Gostaríamos que você orasse e participasse de alguma maneira. Deixe-me sugerir algumas formas:

#1 Nosso maior necessidade é mantenedores regulares! Você pode se tornar um mantenedor com qualquer valor através de depósitos mensais. (Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica, PagSeguro ou Paypal)

#2 Temos algumas necessidades específicas também: passagens, carro, seguro saúde. Qualquer valor pode ser depositado em um dos bancos citados acima.

#3 Precisamos alugar o apartamento, vender o carro e comprar as passagens. Qualquer meio de ajuda nessas questões (desde conselhos até ofertas) será muito bem vindo!

#4 Gostaríamos de aumentar o número de pessoas orando por nós! Os próximos dois anos serão um grande desafio. Se você quer ser tornar um intercessor regular, por favor, nos comunique! Oração é o elemento mais importante em tudo isso que temos vivido!

Cremos que o Senhor nos usará muito e que esse curso será uma ferramenta poderosa nas mãos de Deus!

Podemos contar com vocês?

Um grande abraço,

Eduardo, Marta, Débora e Samuel

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2015


Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Faith and to our New Friends who have taken a step in boldness to support God's vision for our lives:

We are writing to give you a status update on where we stand in relation to our mission.  God has been very good!

Last week we received good news.  Calvin sent us the I-20 form which is a certificate that we must have to get the visa.  Now it becomes a race against time!  Classes start August 24.  We would like to get there at least 10 days prior to arrange and settle into our new routine prior to beginning classes.

Remember!  We covet your prayers as much as we covet financial assistance.  This is a time of transition and we are holding tightly to the Rock and our Foundation Jesus Christ.

These are our next steps: 
# 1 Interview at the consulate in Sao Paulo (May, 19th)
# 2 Buy tickets for the US (when we get the visa!)
# 3 Visiting friends and supporters in Curitiba (from 14 to 24 May)
# 4 Move to the US (between July 25 and August 15).

Below are our concerns and areas of need:

# 1 We need an additional $ 330.00 to pay visa fees ($ 800.00 total)
# 2 We need resources to go to São Paulo for the Visa interview.
# 3 Pray that everything goes right during the visa interview and that it will be granted.
# 4 We need to sell our car
# 5 Acquisition of the airline tickets (about U $ 3,000.00 for the entire family!).
# 6 We already have 70% of the support! We would like to have at least 80% of total before arrive in US. We believe that God is in control! He always is!

We are grateful to God for the life of everyone who has been involved in our project happen! We're sure we'll come back more able to serve with excellence in the field.

If somehow you can and want to help, please contact us by e-mail or by calling  Nate Romine (616-202-8183).

If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation, please contact Kentwood Community Church at  616-455-1740 ext 507.  They can guide you on contributing directly to the Treumanns mission fund.  

We pray that God will use our lives to reach more people for Christ and train them to serve Him with excellence and that He will use  your life to do the same!

A big hug!

In Christ and for Christ,

Eduardo, Martha, Deborah and Samuel